Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ch. 10: Rate of Adoption

Amy’s products have grown popular greatly in part from word-of-mouth communication. Amy’s products feed a niche market, literally, and because of this compatibility they have been eagerly adopted. Though sales didn’t skyrocket from the start, despite discouraging impute from others, the Berliners continued to introduce new products. Consumers eventually caught on and have past on their experiences. Vegetarians, as well as people with special dietary needs, have always had a challenge finding a variety of prepared foods. Amy’s has given these people a convenience that they never had before with a selection large enough that it never gets boring. Because of this Amy’s is now the leading vegetarian, organic frozen food company. Below is a fan letter written to Amy’s that pretty much sums up why Amy’s has become so successful.

Dear Amy,
I have never written a fan letter to a company, but this one is warranted. Since discovering Amy's a number of years ago, our family of five has been gradually increasing our consumption and reliance on your meals. We bring it to work for lunch, it is a great dinner when I am too busy to cook, and we call it our "Amy's Diet" when we have put on a few pounds and need to cut back for a few days. My kids come home and say,"did you make dinner, or is it an Amy's night?" When I go to the supermarket, people in line tease me about all the different Amy's meals I have in my cart, and I tell them how wonderful a product it is, how healthy, delicious, and portion controlled. My son is in college and has an apartment there, and instead of having a full meal plan he opts for one meal at the cafeteria, and supplements with a lot of Amy's meals. I am a psychotherapist specializing in Eating Disorders, and recommend Amy's to many of my patients as good, delicious food that is convenient and quick, and low in calories. In fact, my husband and I recently had a trip to Hawaii, where we stayed in a timeshare with a microwave, and found Amy's at the grocery. We ate your food for breakfast and lunch, and then went out for dinner resulting not only in money saved, but not gaining weight on this vacation! Can you
tell how excited and passionate we are about your product? Thank you guys for a job well done, and products that enhance this family's life immeasurably. I don't know what we would do without you.
Emily B

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